Painting Amazing Floor Patterns
Painting Floor Patterns Painting the floors for your home simply means painting in a way that enhances the beauty and surface efficiency of the floors in your home. Durability, longevity and ease of cleaning are paramount. But when you add the exquisite affects of patterns it opens a whole other world! Many people usually opt to paint floors or apply epoxy floor finishes by themselves and this article is specially created to guide them through the process of painting their floors for a beautiful effect with patterns that lasts. Step One: Get All You Need The first step to painting your floors is to get all the necessary tools on hand before commencing the task. It is no secret that the success of your painting project would depend majorly on the quality of the materials and the right tools. The tools we would use in this case are: 60-grit sandpaper, Zinsser primer, Porch-and-Patio floor paint, painter’s tape, tape measure, straight edge, small paint roller, pain...