Custom Painting Effects

Custom Painting Effects....

Faux Painting is the application of paint to imitate the look of a different surface. Usually it mimics stone, such as marble, aged limestone, or slate. It can also be made to look like clouds, wood, animal skin, or metals.

Any home or commercial painter knows that, most faux painting is achieved by positive and negative paint application. Positive application refers to adding paint to a surface. Negative application means removing paint. Layering paints with tools other than brushes, such as rags, leather, mitts, and feathers, will achieve various looks.
Custom Painting effects for Jacksonville, FL

Glazing is a popular application used most often on a thick texture. Glaze is a clear product that can be tinted with any color, then rubbed over a textured and painted wall. It produces a translucent topcoat through which the base color can be seen. Have the interior painter test the mixed glaze on a small area. Depending on the paint colors and texture, the depth created by glazing can mimic stone.

Color Washing is the ragged-on application of a light topcoat over a base color done in house interior painting. By brushing on the topcoat while the base coat is wet, an airy look is produced. A white wash over a pastel base coat achieves a soft, watercolor appearance.

Crackling is a interior house painting technique that makes a surface appear aged. A base coat of paint is applied, then a contrasting topcoat. Crackling material, is then brushed on as a final coat, breaking the topcoat into "cracks". The base coat shows through the cracks. Popular on columns and furniture, crackling is used with a Renaissance or Americana decor. Great custom painting effect for cabinets.
Trompe L'Oeil is French for "trick the eye"

Trompe L'Oeil is French for "trick the eye".Trompe l'oeil murals are paintings, usually on a wall, (or ceiling, floor etc.), that when viewed from the right position, should deceive the viewer into thinking it is real. The main concern in these paintings is to create an illusion of a three dimensional space. Generally these are commissioned and are especially designed for a particular situation and are not movable, but they can also be painted on stretched canvas or panel and hung the same way as a conventional painting. The benefits of Trompe l'oeil murals are that they can create an illusion of a space that could not normally exist, would not be affordable to create or would defy the laws of nature.

Painting Contractors Jacksonville


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